Kearney & Company Informational Zoom Chat, Wednesday May 4th


Are you an accounting major in your sophomore or junior year looking for an opportunity to learn about a company to possibly intern with? Or are you a senior about to graduate wanting to learn more about a company and the career opportunities they provide? 

Cindy Delgado, Kearney & Company's George Mason Ambassador, will be hosting an informational zoom chat on Wednesday May 4th from 1:00 to 2:00 pm all about the wonderful opportunities at Kearney & Company, a CPA firm that focuses on auditing the federal government! 

Cindy is a fellow Mason student who completed both an externship and an internship with the company and is currently the student ambassador at Mason. Cindy will start working full time with the company after graduating this semester.


Please sign up if you plan to attend! 

Can’t wait to see you! 


Zoom Link/Dial In: 

Meeting ID: 999 4103 3885 

One tap mobile 

+13017158592,,99941033885# US (Washington DC) 

+12678310333,,99941033885# US (Philadelphia)