Women in Business at Mason Upcoming Events


Women in Business (WIB) February Events

Title: WIB Galentine's Day
Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Location: Hub Rooms 3 & 4 

Women in Business (WIB) at Mason is hosting a Galentine's Day event for anyone who is interested! They will be providing food and games. Please feel free to bring a friend or two, and they hope to celebrate Galentine's Day with you! This is a casual event and a great way to meet others!

Title: KPMG x WIB
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Blue Ridge Rm 129

Women in Business (WIB) at Mason is excited to be partnering with KPMG, they are here to inform us about the company and to answer any questions we may have for them. This is a great way to expand your network and learn more about this company. We will be providing refreshments for anyone who wishes to attend.

Title: WIB Women in Tech Panel 
Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Horizon Rm 5001

If you are interested in a possible career, major, minor, or internship in MIS, Cyber Security, or Data Privacy, this is the perfect event for you. We have women in these areas of interest coming in to speak about what their day-to-day life is like and what they do in their field. They are here to answer any questions you may have, and to share their experiences! We will be providing food for everyone that attends. 

